Monday, April 27, 2015

The cycle

It's been a while, friends, since I've posted on this blog.  My health grew worse and worse with stomach problems and so many headaches it was hard to exercise.  I started going to physical therapy to help with the neck pain which leads to headaches.  In a burst of energy and motivation at the beginning of this year (after being told by two doctors that I needed to lose wait), I started watching my calories and walking for 30 minutes every day.  I noticed immediate results.  I started losing weight and had more energy than I had felt in a while.  Then I added gentle morning and evening tai chi routines.  Again, was feeling great, physically and mentally.  So great that I decided to cut back on my physical therapy appointments.  Also my creativity has sored in the past few months.

After losing 15 pounds, my weight loss plateaued for a month and I started to get frustrated, but kept up my regimen of diet and exercise.  Then I decided to try a new tai chi for weight loss video.  Basically 55 minutes of straight cardio, muscle strengthening, and flexibility.  It was great.  This weekend, I finally broke through my weight loss plateau and dropped another pound.  Awesome.

Then this morning, I woke up in pain.  Too much pain to do my morning tai chi.  Not a happy way to start the week.  That's the thing about this chiari beast.  It always takes you by surprise.  You can be going along great, thinking that you've kicked it's butt and you can have a normal life.  Then it comes out of nowhere and lays you out flat. 

So, that's where I am today...frustrated by the surprise out of left field, but confident that I will continue on this fitness journey to reclaim my life.  I will NOT let chiari beat me.  That is all.

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